Dog body language:
Dogs communicate through their body language, mostly because they are voiceless, so body language is the sole way of communication. Understanding dogs body language is very important as it tells you a lot about your dogs. Even though different dogs have their distinct and unique way of communication, the majority of dogs rely on common dog body language. While interpreting dogs body language, it is necessary to observe the whole body as an entire body, not the parts of the body play a role in communication.
Dog body language and behavior explained:
In this article we will explore dogs body language and behavior with explanation.
1. Body language representing relaxation:
When dogs are relaxed and happy, they express themselves by showing postures and body language that are representative of relaxation.
What does tail show?
Dogs often communicate with other dogs and owners through their tails; different tail positions and postures represent different feelings and communication.
Wagging tail:
Wagging tail is one of the best ways dogs translate their feelings; different dog breeds have unique ways to express their emotions. It is recommended to judge the dog's happiness level by closely examining the wagging tail. According to behavior expert Loose Wagging Tail, if the whole body is in movement, it shows that the dog is feeling intense happiness and cheerfulness. On the other hand, if a wagging tail is stiff, it might indicate that the dog is preparing itself for stressful or worrisome situations along with happiness.
What do ears show?
Ears held in a neutral position show the relaxed attitude of the dogs. When sometimes dogs are happy with the feeling of being scared, their ears stand upright. Slightly hangy ears also represent happiness and relaxation.
Eyes showing relaxed feelings:
Dogs with relaxed eyelids, called 'soft eyes,' represent relaxation and calmness. During this, you are unable to see the whites of the eyes; the pupils are very small, and both the upper and lower eyelids loosely cover the whole white part of the eye. This is indicative of cheerful and calm feelings. Under normal circumstances and without worry, dogs show this attitude. There are other eye signs that reflect many different feelings and emotions.
Mouth expression:
In a state of relaxation and happiness, the mouth is either closed with both lips in contact or somewhat open without worry and tension.
2 . Dog body language showing alertness:
Dogs express alert body language by means of tail, ears, eyes, and mouth. Apart from these, there are other signs that project alertness and attentiveness in dogs.
What do eyes convey?
When a dog fixes and focuses its eyes on something without breaking attention, it is a sign that your dog is alert and attentive for possible danger or as a result of surprise, which has triggered alertness. When you observe your dogs, they are directly staring at something else. Don't disturb them; rather, leave them on their own. If you interfere or stare back at them, they consider you as a danger, and something untoward might happen.
Tail showing alert signs:
When you witness a dog with its tail held straight high, it is a sign of excitement, relaxation, and alertness. If the tail is stiff, the dog may be preparing for a fight. In such situations, it is better to remove what threatens the dog rather than interfere with dog behavior.
What do ears represent?
When the dogs are alert and attentive, ears might be stretched forward with some stiffness. This is sometimes shown by some breeds under normal conditions.
Dogs that are alert keep the mouth closed with both lips touching without bending.
3 . Dog body language showing stress or nervousness:
When dogs are stressed and nervous, they show many expressions via their tails, ears, eyes, mouths, etc.
Tail: The tail is held high with stiffness when the dog is scared and stressed. Many factors are responsible for the stress and anxiety of dogs, which may come from the internal or external environment.
Ears turned backward:
When the dog turned its ears back, it was ambiguous and represented many things for which a whole-body examination is required to interpret correctly. A dog with loose posture and ears turned back somewhat might be interested in the surroundings or curious; on the other hand, if its body posture is stiff, it might be highly intimidated or scared.
Eyes widen:
When your dog is frightened or anxious, eye language is the most prominent communicating source. Eyes wide with the white portion clearly visible is an indicative of stress or anxiety.
Body posture representing stress and anxiety:
If the dog squeezes the body and hunches on the ground to make itself small, it is a sign that your dog is frightened and intimidated; the dog is in a stressful situation.
4 . Dog body language showing aggression:
There are many signs and gestures that show the aggressions of the dogs because dogs are aggressive and angry in nature. Almost all pet owners are familiar with these dog behaviors.
Ears: Depending on the source of aggression and state of aggression, different dogs convey differently through ears. For the interpretation of body language, it is necessary that the whole body should be under observation. An assertive dog will keep its ears forward and upright while the scared dog will hold its ears back.
Eyes: They will keep a focused stare on the disturbing things with eyes open and with aggressive posture. During this, the forehead will be wrinkled.
Mouth: mouth will be open with lips tense and the upper one drawn upward.
Tail: The tail is also helpful in judging the aggression of the dog. When a dog is excessively aggressive, its tail is held high, and it is in a state of emergency.
During aggression, dogs avoid movement, and their whole body becomes stiff and tense with fur around their shoulder and back erect.
5 . Dog body language showing submission:
Submissive body language is termed appeasement body language. The dog makes an attempt to look small and even sometimes tries to flip on its back to expose its belly. Ears are turned backward, and avoid eye contact with squinting. Tail hanging between the legs and held low, sometimes swaying. Mouth will be in a state giving a smile and grin, lips slightly tense, licking the muzzle and exposing the front teeth to appease.
We have discussed dog body language and behavior thoroughly, which is highly important for the canine parents to know about dog behavior and body language in order to build a long-lasting and favorable relationship with canine companions.