Cats follow their owners or the ones to whom they have made a strong bond and affinity. The following tendency is in a cat's instinct, and the following behavior is absolutely normal in cats, especially those cats that follow more, which are clingy in nature and are much pampered by cat owners. There are numerous reasons why cats follow men. Some cats have a unique nature and personality, due to which some are reserved and shy, while others follow excessively their owners. Some breeds of cats, for example, Bengals, Persians, Siamese, Tonkinese, etc., are considered "velcro cats" thanks to their clinginess and following characteristics.
Here in this article, we will delve into the cat's world and try to understand the nuances of cats' behavior and traits that make them distinct and distinguished from one another as well as from other pet species, i.e., dogs.
Reasons for cats following owners or loved ones:
There are so many reasons why cats follow behavior, which has a lot to do with a cat's upbringing and the environment in which they are brought up. Here some reasons are discussed thoroughly.
Due to the cat's curiosity:
Cats are far more curious than we think; their curiosity is beyond our perception. They, owing to their curiosity, always try to be with their owners so that they know everything about owners, what they do, where they go, and which type of people they meet. If they are allowed to follow owners outdoors, they don't show any reluctance and follow men just like inside the home. This is not concerning, as this is normal for the majority of cats; they try to be aware of their surroundings and happenings.
A sign that your cat needs your attention:
Sometimes, due to a busy schedule and workload, owners are unable to pay attention to their feline buddies. If you notice that your cat is following you everywhere, it is an indication that your furry friend wants your attention and time. Try to spend time with cats, play with them, and make sure that you are paying attention to them as much as possible.
Cat's mealtime:
It is their trait to follow routinely and every time, but whenever you observe that they are following you during a specific time of day or when you are heading towards the kitchen, it is an indication that they want you to feed or provide eating materials for them and provide water or drink.
Due to boredom:
When they are bored or depressed and they have nothing to do, they often show the following tendency, and it channels a message to the pet parents that their cat is behaving unusually and something different from the normal routine. They can be mitigated by providing them with playing items, playing games and puzzles with them, and eliminating the causes of boredom.
Separation anxiety:
Cats follow sometimes due to psychological problems, i.e., separation anxiety. Cats may be subject to this due to health or psychological conditions. Due to separation anxiety, they follow you everywhere and every time. They don't want to be separated and isolated from you and want to be with you all the time. This can be overcome by treating and improving the psychological status of cats.
Cats are territorial in nature:
They are territorial and don't want to be blocked or something to happen within their territory in their absence. Due to this, they follow and get offended when the door of a room or washroom is closed without allowing them to follow. They consider the whole home, including the garden, kitchen, lawn, washroom, and everything within it, their territory and want to be familiar with everything within the home.
Cats want your company:
Cats, like dogs and other pet species, are loving and caring and want to be loved and pampered. Cats enjoy your company and presence; they get much happiness and joy within your company if you are the one they love and like. They are sociable and have a tendency to spend time with men of their interest, so they follow you just like your pampered and endeared child.
They want to sleep with you:
They follow you even at night; they expect to be cuddled and petted by you. That is why they sleep with you, getting the utmost happiness. They need loving and cuddling space during the night, and during the day they want to be with you all the time; that is their purpose.
When they are sick:
Cats often convey messages via body language and symbols; they communicate everything through the body. If they are feeling sick or experiencing something unusual, they try to convey it by changing their normal behaviors; following unusually may be indicative of their abnormal health conditions. In such cases, veterinary advice should be sought immediately so that their health conditions may not deteriorate further. The veterinarian will look and examine the cat; if he or she finds something abnormal, he will treat it accordingly. Furthermore, a visit to a trained animal behaviorist is also recommended if such behavior persists for a longer period of time along with other signs and symptoms.
Cats are attracted to smells:
Places like laundry spots, kitchens, and especially washrooms offer smells and aromas that trigger cats' instincts, and they are attracted to such places. Smells coming from toilets and showers are more pleasant to cats, so whenever they observe you heading towards the washroom, they try to follow you without delay.
When they need a cool and refreshing spot:
Whenever cats need a cool spot, the washroom sink and basin are the best options for them, which are relaxing and entertaining, so they make every possible effort to gain access to the washroom. Whenever they need to take a bath or dip in water, they follow you through the washroom.
It is a sign to change diet:
When cats are following you excessively, firstly it is a sign that your cat is hungry and needs food, and secondly, the diet you are providing is not fulfilling the requirements of the cat or they are unhappy with what you provide to them. Cats' symptomatic communication should be interpreted and do something that they want you to do. The dietary requirements of cats must be considered, and deficiencies should be corrected so that your feline companion has no problems incurred by an incorrect dietary regimen.
How to deal with dietary issues:
Dietary issues should be handled with proper consultancy from an expert dietitian with experience in feline nutrition and diets. Nutritionists give advice on how to properly feed so that diet-borne diseases may be prevented.
When to worry about following the behavior of cats:
Under normal conditions, the following tendency is alright and there is no need to worry about it, but the following behavior is accompanied by other signs such as
- Load and frequent meowing.
- Vomiting and diarrhea.
- Aggressive behavior.
- Excessive grooming.
- Abnormal eating or no eating at all.
- Showing destructive behaviors.
When such behaviors are noticed, it is definitely an alarming condition that must be addressed by seeking veterinary assistance. This will alleviate such conditions, and subsequently, the following tendency may also be reduced.
At the end of this guide, it is recommended that you try to get knowledge and information regarding the following behavior, distinguish normal and abnormal following of cats, signs, and symptoms accompanying following, and the normal daily routine of cats so that you may spend quality and memorial time with your furry friend.
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