Dog walking sideways:
Walking sideways, also called side walking or side-crabbing, is a term used to refer to the dog walking style in which dogs walk wonkily, with their bodies curved and their legs bent on the side. Dogs habits and behaviors are the source of happiness and cheerfulness for almost all the pet owners. So anything that is abnormal will disturb dog owners too. This is worrying for the pet parents to see their dogs walking sideways; if you are one of them, you should first examine the dog wholly to figure out possible bothering factors and then try to fix the issue. There are sometimes innocuous reasons that cause sighing in dogs that are not so worrisome, and those will subside on their own. On the other hand, there will be a very serious reason that would grapple the dogs, which would be dangerous if left unattended. So to notice tiny things associated with your dog's health is of value in order to have a wonderful relationship with your furry companions.
Why is my dog walking sideways, what does it mean?
Here we are going to delve into the reasons for dog walking sideways.
1. Avoiding something strange or weird:
Sometimes dogs do side-walking simply to avoid what appears to them strange or new; for example, if they walk for the first time on a carpeted floor, this is a new experience for them; they just walk sideways, thinking that this is strange and weird; similarly, on a tile floor, they show a similar attitude. And other new additions to the house or their surroundings will instigate side-walking in them. This is not serious in nature, and they will adapt themselves; after some time, this behavior goes away without worry.
2. Due to abnormality in development:
Some dogs may have developmental issues that cause them to walk sideways. It is sometimes of serious nature which affect gait of dogs , because of issues in growth and development such as faulty joint growth and improper bone development restrict the dogs to show normal gait and as a result dogs execute odd and bizarre gait . Affected dogs are used to showing such behavior, which does not cause much problem for them apart from difficulty in walking and running.
3. Anatomic structure:
Young and growing puppies are not aware of the walking protocol, so they sidewalk out of clumsiness. Their growing body build and anatomic structure favor them to walk sideways. Younger dogs become familiarized with their body after some time, so they take time to explore themselves. Larger and giant dog breeds are prone to this as compared to smaller size breeds.
4. Vestibular problems:
Dogs vestibular systems become affected due to many reasons, including ear infection, inflammation of the middle ear, physical injury to the middle ear, etc. which causes dogs to walk sideways along with other signs and symptoms. This is a major problem for older dogs with compromised health and immune systems. You must take your dog to a licensed vet for examination and proper diagnosis. This may be diagnosed by blood-work and sometimes by imaging techniques if the need arises.
5. Neuromuscular problem:
Neurological issues cause changes in gait, posture, and walking pattern. This may be due to a nerve transmission problem or muscle issue. The muscles responsible for walking don't perform their physiological functions, and as a result, dogs walk sideways and show signs of stumbling and incoordination, which are the most obvious signs of a neuromuscular problem. It is a highly serious issue that must be attended to without delay; otherwise, it may become fatal for the dogs. Observe other signs if you suspect side-walking is due to a neurological problem. Make an immediate appointment with the pet doctor and get your dog assessed. The vet, after examination, will recommend a treatment regimen that must be followed for the swift recovery.
6. Problem in the anal gland:
If there is a problem in the anal gland or anal part of your dog, the dog may avoid straight walking to reduce pressure at the pain area. Anal problems cause the dogs to have strange gaits and unusual locomotion. Dogs step carefully to avoid any discomfort, so they walk sideways and sometimes in circular motion; this, to some extent, reduces tension and pain in the anal portion.
7. Infections of the ear:
Ear infection is not directly responsible for side-walking in dogs, but the middle ear has a massive role in body balance and motion. Infections of the ear, especially affecting the middle ear, are one of the reasons that compel dogs to show walking anomalies. Infection causes balance issues, and dogs become susceptible to falling; head shaking is also another sign of ear infection.
8. Stroke:
Strokes affect dogs just like humans and other animals; peculiar signs of stroke are weakness on one side, trouble walking, playing, and speaking, incoordination, etc. Stroke triggers sideways walking in dogs along with other characteristic signs. If you notice any signs of stroke, it must be dealt with on an emergency basis because this is of serious nature and will take a toll on your dog's health and personality if left untreated. Take to a veterinarian and follow what he or she advises for better recovery and a happier life.
9. Hip or other joint issues:
Larger size dog breeds have high chances of hip or elbow dysplasia, which causes them to show faulty gait and unusual locomotion; thus, dogs exhibit sideways walking. The age of neutering or spaying has increased the chances of developing joint problems like dysplasia and arthritis, so before performing such procedures, consultation with the trained and expert veterinarian is very important. Visit a veterinary doctor to discuss your dog problem with him; he will, after taking history and studying the case, share a treatment plan with you for improvement of the condition.
10. Injury or trauma:
Any injury or trauma affecting muscle or leg may prevent dogs from moving with normal gait. Due to injury, dogs show abnormal gaits and walk sideways. Physical injuries that are visible to the naked eye should be treated if there is something pricking the paws that should be removed by hand that will improve walking pattern.
There are numerous reasons responsible for side-walking in dogs; it is necessary to take all the factors and other signs into account while examining dogs for walking sideways. There may be some reasons that are not so worrisome; on the other hand, some factors causing side-walking in dogs are very troubling that must be dealt with to prevent further deterioration. It is necessary to pay attention to nuances of dogs behavior and habits; if anything unusual is noticed, that must be immediately addressed for better quality of life for dogs.