My dog keeps moving around and can't get comfortable

My dog keeps moving around and can't get comfortable


Restlessness in dogs is a common condition affecting nearly all breeds and age groups, but old and larger breed dogs are more susceptible to such problems because they are victims of diseases that cause restlessness and sleep issues. Mostly dogs move around before going to bed; it is in their instinct transmitted from their ancestors; however, this is not of a serious nature and goes away quickly. If you witness your dog having restlessness and discomfort in sitting or going to bed, moving around excessively, and showing signs of distress, pay attention to this issue and take your dog to a veterinary hospital to get your dog checked out. In this guide, we are going to evaluate conditions causing restlessness in dogs, natural remedies to do away with such issues, and preventive measures, so keep reading this article to get up-to-date information. 


Reasons for discontent or restlessness in dogs: 

Dogs may keep moving around for numerous reasons; some are mild and don't need to be worried about; on the other hand, sometimes things become worse, and immediate corrective measures should be followed to prevent further destruction. Here some of the reasons are mentioned.


Pain associated with joints: 

Pain in different joints like the hip joint, knee joint, elbow joint, and vertebral column causes restlessness in dogs, and they struggle sitting instead try to move around, but it is painful too for them. Pain may be due to arthritis (osteoarthritis), infection, metabolic diseases, and diseases of the spinal cord, which cause discomfort to be sitting and sleeping in dogs. Symptoms indicating joint pain include. 


Reluctant to do exercises.
  • Not interested in walking but moving around in a restless manner.
  • Trying to lie down but having difficulty.
  • Crying when tries to sit or lie down, etc. 

When you observe such signs and symptoms in dogs, immediate medical intervention is warranted. Schedule a visit to the vet to rule out causes of pain, and the vet will share a treatment plan with you to get rid of these issues.


Heavy or reckless exercises: 

When you force your furry companion to do heavy exercises that are unbearable to them, it will cause damage to muscles, bones, cartilage, and joints. As a result, they become uncomfortable and reluctant to sit down or go to bed. It is recommended to make dogs do exercises that are beneficial upon the supervision and guidance of a trained animal exercise expert or behaviorist to prevent exercise-induced abnormalities in dogs. Whenever your dog isn't showing interest or is unwilling to do exercise, try to find out the reasons behind this rather than pushing or forcing them to do so.


Psychological problems: 

Dogs experiencing psychological issues are more prone to restlessness and move around in distress. Anxiety, stress, or depression cause dogs to move in circles, jump, and have difficulty lying down and sitting down. Symptoms showing psychological problems in dogs are: 

  • Excessive barking and attacking strangers.
  • Trembling and tremors.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders.
  • Engaging in aggressive activities.
  • Moving here and there, etc.

Consult an animal behaviorist and psychiatrist with urgency to deal with psychological issues in dogs causing distress and discomfort. 


Memory loss in dogs: 

Older dogs are subjected to cognitive and behavioral problems like memory loss. Memory loss or dementia is one of the reasons for restlessness and wandering in dogs. It may be due to various reasons; for example, some breeds are more susceptible during old age to memory loss, trauma to the brain and spinal cord, loss of function of the cerebrum, and infection of the brain could be possible causes of dementia in dogs.

When dogs have memory problems, they may show the following signs: 

  • Not heeding commands and orders.
  • Confusion.
  • Change in daily routine and schedule.
  • Sleep time becomes limited.
  • May not be able to do daily activities, etc.

It is a serious medical condition and must be resolved by prompt veterinary intervention. Animal behaviorist and veterinarian Amy suggests an appropriate treatment plan for dogs struggling with memory problems. 


Health problems like pancreatitis: 

Various health problems cause discomfort and resting problems in dogs; pancreatitis is one of them. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas causing digestive problems. Digestive enzymes start the digestion of pancreatic tissues, duct walls, and intestinal walls, creating digestive system problems. It causes dogs to become restless, so they keep moving, wandering, and pacing around. Pancreatitis can affect dogs irrespective of breed, age, and size. Dogs become victims of pancreatitis at any time during life.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs may include. 

  • Diarrhea and loose motion.
  • Low level of energy.
  • Loss of appetite, etc.

Seek veterinary advice without delay for the treatment of pancreatitis in dogs.


Strategies to comfort restless and wandering dogs: 

Here some strategies and tips are discussed to relieve your discomforting and restless dog.


Making a soft and comfy bed: 

Dogs require comfortable and cozy spaces for sleep; providing them with comfy furniture and sleeping soft mattresses can lessen restlessness and sleeping problems. If you notice your dog moving around and being reluctant to lie down, then you can try these things to comfort and ease your dog at home. Provide them with plenty of sleeping space so that they can be accommodated with ease and comfort. Their bed should be away from heavy traffic areas, and the temperature and lighting of the surrounding area should also be monitored because they are the factors responsible for restlessness and sleep problems in dogs.


Post-meal exercises: 

Light exercises after meals encourage sleep in dogs because they lessen the buildup of energy and induce tiredness. As a result, dogs go to bed and fall asleep without moving here and there. This issue can be easily resolved by post-meal exercises if it is due to dietary brain stimulation and energy from meals.


Anxiety and stress-reducing activities: 

Incorporate anxiety- and stress-relieving behaviors into the dog's routine, which may reduce such incidents to a great extent. Play games and brain puzzles with them, play soothing music, talk calmly to them, and create a noise-free environment for them. These may help dogs with sleep issues and resting problems. 


Mental stimulation:

Provide the dogs with things that stimulate the mind, which mitigate boredom and restlessness. Brain-stimulating exercises, mind games, and playing with toys can help dogs struggling with sleep issues.


Check up for health issues: 

Discomfort and pacing in dogs may be due to health issues like gastric problems, infections of the brain and spinal cord, urinary system infections, intestinal problems, pancreatitis, etc. If you suspect your dog is having such problems, plan a visit to a veterinarian and get your dog assessed and examined; if the vet finds any health abnormalities, he or she will treat them appropriately. 



Your furry friends might encounter by health issues forcing them to behave in such a way. In this guide, reasons for wandering and unwarranted movements and strategies to deal with such conditions have been thoroughly discussed. The pet parents must have knowledge of how to deal with such situations at home; otherwise, the situation worsens, creating difficulty for both dogs and owners. You will get the necessary information after reading this article.

Good luck!

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