Tricks to teach your dog:


Tricks to teach your dog:

Dogs are well known for their ability to learn things, and they easily respond to the external stimulus that triggers nervous stimulation in them. If you want to teach tricks to the dogs, they are very quick to learn and get them immediately. Teaching the dogs is also a way to keep a bond with them, and it gives you pleasure and joy when you observe them showing these tricks. It doesn't need to be an expert and good trainer to teach them to teach tricks, but anyone having a little bit of know-how of dog’s behavior can accomplish this task.

15 easy tricks to teach your dog today:

Here we are going to discuss 15 easy tricks to teach your dog that you can choose and reflect your cognitive senses. If you are interested in learning and knowing about dogs’ behavior and learning abilities, give it a read. Happy reading.

Teaching how to hug:

Hug is a very popular trick; often the majority of owners like to teach dogs it. Make the dog come close towards you and say 'hug.' If you repeat this command, they give you a hug. It allows the dogs to touch and come close to you, which is a source of happiness and gives you a sense of closeness.

Bait for kisses:

Another good trick to teach is kissing. You can entice your dog to kiss by placing a treat on your cheek and commanding kisses. The dog moves, and without delay for the first time, it touches your cheek, and after that, it becomes familiar with this act and kisses you as you wish.


Dogs have the trainer body with flexibility; they can touch the chest and front part to the floor and raise the rear end in a bowing position. It can be used to attract other dogs and impress others. For teaching, bow, the first command, and after completion of the task, reward them with a treat and delicious feed.


Teach your dog’s how to sit properly; this is a challenge for them to keep balance on their rear legs. Keep a treat in front and gradually raise it; they sit and raise the front end in pursuit of the treat.

Teaching how to lie down:

Another interesting yet easy trick is the lie down" command. Dire the dogs sitting by placing a treat in front of their noses and say, "Sit." They respond to the command after repetition.

Making dogs shake a paw:

Paw shaking is another fascinating trick for the pooch. To do so, first allow them to sit by commanding and then raise a treat and command shake simultaneously. Tap the front legs; they respond to the command, and after that treat them and repeat the process.

Showing Wave:

This trick is a favorite of all pet owners as well as other people alike. Almost the majority of the dogs know how to wave. For teaching this, make them sit and shake their paw, then command them to wave. They respond, reward them with a treat every time after the accomplishment of this task.

Teaching Paw:

Teaching paw tricks is an amazing experience for the owners. First command: 'Sit," and make them raise a paw; give them a reward after every attempt. Supporting your dog’s joint health with Hip and Joint Supplement Chews can also make physical tricks like paw training easier and more comfortable for them.

Roll over:

A very attractive and stunning trick to teach your dog is roll over. Begin with the lie down command and keep a treat in front of their nose; guide them by moving the treat side by side. Repeat this act and say roll over"; they should be rewarded after every act.

Forcing dogs to spin:

This is a very popular yet old dog trick to teach your dogs: keep a treat near the nose of the dog and move in a circle; they soon are in pursuit of the treat. After every attempt, reward them with food and drink.

Teach dogs how to speak:

An alternative way to prevent your dog from barking is to teach speak. Teach your dog to maintain a noise level that is acceptable and give them a reward so they understand that even if it is bearable.

Play dead trick:

This is one of the most fascinating dog tricks to teach your dogs. For successful teaching of this trick, other tricks have to be taught, like roll over. Start with roll over and say play dead. They respond after some repeated attempts. Give them a delicious treat as bait and enticement.

To fetch stuff:

This is an old trick to teach your dogs as a game. In the park or indoors, throw something like a toy away from the dog, and command your dog to go there and bring back that stuff. If they learn to fetch stuff, it is a very important trick to impress others. When they bring back things, they reward heavily so that they remember this, and in the future, without delay, they respond to commands.

Teaching to wait:

You can teach your dogs to wait and stop what they are doing. At the dining time, you command wait, and your dog waits until you allow it to eat. Y can stop it from moving, chasing you or another dog, or jumping on furniture by commanding stop. This is a valuable trick to teach your dog that is rewarding for you as well as your dog.

To give a high five:

You can teach a high five to your dog’s easily if they know to shake paw and wave; make them raise their paw and bring your hand close to the paws. This is a very cute and pretty trick to teach your dogs. This is basically a human trait that gives a sense of possession.

Teach jumping:

For training dogs, you can teach them how to jump, as this is part of dog exercise. Make them jump by placing an obstacle and commanding them to jump; they start jumping because dogs are quick at learning and responding to commands.

Takeaways and summary:

In this article we have discussed some of the very valuable and pricey tricks to teach dogs, for which you don't need to be a dog trainer or dog behavior expert, but with some familiarity and know-how of dogs habits, you can teach these tricks in your home without requiring taking dogs to an exercise expert. It is up to you to choose and teach which trick or tricks to your dog that reflect your taste and selection because these tricks delight you and other observers alike.



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