What can I give my dog for joint pain at home?

What can I give my dog for joint pain at home?


Joint pain in dogs is a common condition, especially in adults. It doesn't mean that younger dogs are free from such types of health problems. As dogs age, it is a common occurrence to be hugged by many health issues and diseases, but joint pain can affect dogs at any time during their lifetime. Joint pain in dogs can create innumerable issues ranging from inability to move to paralysis, and if it becomes chronic, it may take a toll on the dog's life.


Home remedies for joint pain in dogs: 

Joint pain can be dealt with by giving natural and synthetic products to dogs. It works better if properly and regularly natural products are offered for the dogs. Here some available remedies are shared with you. These will be helpful for relieving joint pain in dogs.



Turmeric is an orange-colored natural product obtained from the turmeric plant; the botanical name for turmeric is Curcuma longa. It is well known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; it is used in cooking for flavor and health benefits. Just like in humans, it is widely used in dogs for joint pain owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric can reduce pain and stiffness in joints. Turmeric is used in place of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in dogs to reduce pain and inflammation due to arthritis in dogs. However, excessive salivation use can cause gastrointestinal problems and gastric lining damage in dogs, especially adults.


Omega-3 fatty acids: 

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, which means that they cannot be synthesized within the body, so they must be taken into the body through diets. They are required for proper body functions, and their deficiency can cause abnormalities in the body. There are two types of omega-3 fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EEPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They can be obtained from fishlike salmon, sardines, flaxseed, chia seed, etc. Both types of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, have anti-inflammatory properties and proved effective in reducing inflammation, swelling, and pain associated with arthritis. Omegas are a natural alternative to NSAIDs, which cause ill effects if used for longer periods of time.



Chondroitin is found naturally in connective tissue of bone and cartilage. It is commonly used for joint pain. It has been proven effective in reducing pain and inflammation in joints. It is only found in animals, so it can be obtained from animal sources such as shark or beef cartilage. Chondroitin can be given in combination with glucosamine supplements for dogs struggling with joint problems. It reduces the need for painkillers and NSAIDs. It has side effects like diarrhea, gastrointestinal upset, headache, mood swings, rash, etc. It causes blood thinning, so curing is also one of the side effects. If symptoms become severe, immediately consult a vet to prevent the problems from exacerbating; he will fix the issue instantly by examining and prescribing specific treatment.



Alfalfa is a natural herb widely used as a natural painkiller in dogs. It mitigates pain and inflammation in humans as well as animals. It can be given to dogs with arthritis and joint pain. Alfalfa contains essential minerals and vitamins such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, and K, etc. Alfalfa is a good source of energy, containing carbohydrates, fiber, protein, etc. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat joint pain, metabolic disorders, inflammation, urinary tract disorders, etc.



Yucca is a garden plant known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. All parts of plants, such as leaves, stems, and flowers, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and can be eaten. It can confer various health benefits and is available as a supplement. It is widely used for joint pain, reducing inflammation, and arthritis, boosting immunity, and improving skin conditions. Along with its benefits, yucca supplements can cause some side effects, like upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and bitter taste, which is one hindrance to use.



Comfrey is a shrub grown in Europe, Asia, and North America. It is traditionally used as a pain reliever, but now its use has been reduced due to liver damage. Comfrey has been used for joint disorders, muscle disorders, bone problems, and skin issues. It can be tried at home for joint pain in dogs, which is available as a supplement, but excessive and unwarranted use must be avoided. Side effects of comfort supplements may include allergy, weight gain, agitation, nausea, abdominal pain, etc.



Frankincense consists of essential oils obtained from leaves, petals, and flowers of plants. Each oil in frankincense has a unique smell and aroma that has health benefits too. Frankincense oil has been used for pain for centuries. It has anti-inflammatory, pain-reducing, and anti-cancer properties. It can be used for arthritis and joint pain in dogs. It has also been used against cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, etc.


Diets and joint pain: 

Natural and organic diets rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins can help manage joint pain and the overall health of dogs. Dogs should be provided with balanced diets containing all the essential nutrients and minerals. Joint pain can be significantly reduced by providing balanced and appropriate diets. Bone broth, vegetables, and protein-rich ingredients should be incorporated in dog feeds. Meals having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances should be given to dogs to tackle joint pain and arthritis. Use diets approved by a nutritionist or veterinarian; otherwise, dietary diseases may embrace your dog. Deficiency diseases could be deleterious for the bones and overall health of dogs.


Exercises and physical activities: 

Exercise and physical activities are good ways to improve health and prevent diseases in dogs. Regular exercise can reduce the chance of mobility issues, arthritis, and joint pain. If your dog is experiencing joint pain, light exercises can improve the condition. Consult a veterinarian to incorporate physical activities into the daily routine of your dog.


Are natural and herbal remedies effective for pain relief in dogs? 

Generally, natural substances used for pain relief will work effectively in reducing inflammation and pain, but there are other things that influence efficacy. Proper selection of natural substances, duration of use, and other factors interfere with the optimum results of natural and herbal remedies. It is recommended to use herbal products under the supervision and guidance of trained veterinary experts to get maximum results.



There are numerous natural ways to mitigate joint pain in dogs; some are mentioned above. By using these natural substances, the pain and discomfort of your canine friend can be alleviated. Canine enthusiasts are very concerned if they notice their dogs in pain and distress, so knowing how to manage pain, especially joint pain, at home is necessary for the pet parents.

Concerned about your dog’s joint health? Try our Dog Health Test for personalized recommendations and tips to ease joint pain at home.

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