What Fruits Can Dogs Not Eat? Which ones are Safe?

What Fruits Can Dogs Not Eat? Which ones are Safe?


An ideal approach to spend quality time with your pet on a hot summer day would be to share a lovely piece of mango. But wait! Before you unleash that inner fruit ninja for your pup, there's a crucial question to answer: What fruits can dogs not eat? 

Well! It turns out that some seemingly harmless fruits can wreak havoc on a dog's digestive system, or worse, be downright toxic. 

Let's look at the less appetising side of dog treats and see what kinds of fruits are off-limits to our canine friends. 

8 Fruits to Keep Away from Your Dogs

1. Cherry

Those bright red cherries might be tempting, but their pits and stems contain a huge amount of cyanide, which can be poisonous to dogs in high amounts. Even a single pit can cause problems, so keep cherry bowls away from your pooch.

2. Grapes 

Grapes and raisins (dried grapes) are also toxic for pups. The exact reason for their toxicity in dogs is unknown, but the consequences can be severe, leading to sudden kidney failure. It's best to avoid them altogether.

3. Lemons & Limes 

While not necessarily toxic, the strong acidic content of lemons and limes can irritate your dog's stomach and lead to vomiting or diarrhoea. Imagine the heartburn! Stick to dog-friendly treats for a happier pup.

4. Wild Berries 

Wild berries growing in your backyard might seem like a natural treat, but many wild varieties are poisonous to dogs. Unless you're a certified botanist, it's best to admire them from afar and choose cultivated fruits from the store instead.

5. Avocados

Avocados are a superfood for humans, but their hidden danger lies in a substance called persin. Persin can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and even pancreatitis in dogs. So, avoid it!

6. Grapefruit 

Similar to lemons and limes, grapefruits also have a high level of acidity that can upset your dog's stomach. Additionally, the seeds can cause intestinal blockages, so keep those juicy grapefruits to yourself.

7. Plums

Plums themselves aren't necessarily toxic, but the pits contain small amounts of cyanide, just like cherry pits. To avoid any potential issues, stick to de-pitted plums and offer them in moderation.

8. Tomatoes

This one can be a bit confusing. Ripe tomatoes are generally safe for dogs in small amounts. However, the green parts of the tomato plant (such as the stem or leaves), contain solanine, which is very toxic. So, keep your pup away from tomato plants and offer only the ripe fruit, in moderation.


Bonus Advice: Never Give The Seeds & Pits of any Fruit to your Pup

Remember, many fruit seeds and pits contain cyanide or pose a choking hazard. It's always best to remove them completely before offering any fruit to your dog.

Which Fruits Are Safe for Canine Consumption?

Now that we've unveiled the villainous fruits, let's explore the delightful doggy fruit basket! 

Here's a list of fruits that are generally safe for dogs in moderation:

  • Apples (minus the core and seeds)
  • Apricots (remove the pit)
  • Bananas (in small amounts due to the high sugar content)
  • Blueberries (a fantastic source of antioxidants)
  • Mango (remove the pit, be cautious of the fibrous skin)
  • Oranges (remove the seeds and peel)
  • Pears (core and seeds removed)
  • Pineapple (in small amounts, as it can be tough on their stomachs)
  • Strawberries (rinse well before offering)
  • Watermelon (seedless flesh is a hydrating treat)

Best Way to Offer Fruits To Dogs

Remember, moderation is key! Even with safe fruits, it's important to introduce them gradually and monitor your dog for any digestive upset. Here are some tips for offering fruits safely:green parts of the

  • Wash and chop fruits into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking.
  • Start with a tiny amount and observe your dog's reaction.
  • Consider any pre-existing health conditions your dog might have.
  • Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new food to your dog's diet.

What to Do? If your Pup Eats Some Toxic Fruit?

If you suspect your dog has eaten a toxic fruit, act quickly! Here's what to do:

  1. Identify the culprit: If possible, try to figure out what kind of fruit your dog consumed. Knowing the specific fruit will help the veterinarian determine the best course of treatment.
  2. Don't induce vomiting unless directed by a vet: While inducing vomiting might seem like a good idea initially, it can be dangerous depending on the type of fruit ingested. For instance, grape and raisin poisoning can worsen with vomiting. Always consult a vet first!
  3. Contact your veterinarian or animal poison control immediately: Time is critical! The sooner your dog receives medical attention, the better the chances of a full recovery. Here are some resources:
    1. Pet Poison Helpline: (855) 764-7661
    2. ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: (888) 426-44354
  4. Stay calm and gather information: While waiting for help, note down the amount of fruit you think your dog ate, the time it happened, and any symptoms your dog might be exhibiting like vomiting, diarrhoea, or lethargy. This information will be crucial for the veterinarian.

FAQs: Canine Fruit Frenzy

Is Fruit Good for Dogs?

Fruits (only safe ones) can be a healthy occasional treat for dogs, offering vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, it's not a substitute for a balanced dog food diet.

What Fruits Can Dogs Have Daily?

Some fruits like blueberries, in small quantities, can be offered daily as a healthy snack. But remember, moderation is key!

Final Words: Keeping Your Pup Safe and Fruity-Free (When Necessary)

To keep your puppy healthy and happy, it's important to know which fruits are restricted to canines and to keep a close eye on what your pet eats.

Always remember that if you are unsure, you should leave it out! It is possible to satisfy the taste buds of your canine partner without putting them in danger of poisoning by providing them with a wide variety of treats that are safe for dogs. 

Now that you know better, take your canine companion on summer picnics with you, but make sure they stay in their designated doggie fruit basket. Want to learn more about dogs and food, check out what vegetables are good for dogs.

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