Why do dogs chase their tail?

Why do dogs chase their tail?


Chasing tail is common and often shown by many dogs, which may or may not be of concern for owners. Pet parents observe tail-chasing activity in dogs and find it interesting and entertaining in dogs. Sometimes it may be due to reasons that are indicative of some serious conditions, and occasionally it is of no concern at all. Knowing such kinds of behaviors is necessary for pet lovers, as this has a huge influence on the daily routine and overall well-being of pets, which also regulates the relationship of dogs with owners or caretakers. In this informative yet comprehensive guide, effort has been put into providing authentic and accurate knowledge regarding tail-chasing activities in dogs, which will be helpful for pet enthusiasts who spend most of their time with dogs.


Reasons for tail-chasing in dogs: 

There are so many reasons for dogs to chase their tails; sometimes, due to excitement, puppies chase their tails, exhibit unique and unusual activities that have no health complications, and disappear on their own. Some reasons are serious and create complex health issues that must be figured out and dealt with urgently to prevent further deterioration. 

Here some reasons for dogs chasing their tails are explained, so stay adhered to this article.



Young puppies, when they first notice their tail and the hanging fur, get excited and start chasing the tail, whirling in a circle, jumping, touching tail and fur, rubbing, etc. This is an indication of relaxation and excitement. This is not concerning, and there is no need to worry nor any need to consult a veterinarian; this will go away on its own.


Sign of boredom: 

Tail chasing in dogs may be due to boredom. When dogs are kept inside the home without letting them play, exercise, and walk, they get bored, and it is manifested in the form of such behaviors, which indicates that your dog is not happy with its routine activities. If they are alone and have nothing to do exciting, they show uncommon behavior. If you get clues that tail-chasing stems from boredom, provide them with things that mitigate boredom and elevate their mood, such as playing games with dogs, providing unique toys and puzzles, and allowing them to walk and exercise regularly. 


Due to the puppy’s playful nature: 

Puppies are playful and love the things on their body when they first discover them; they play with tails as toys and get delight from playing with body parts that are new to them. As puppies grow and age, they sense their anatomy, which is funny for them for the first time, and they become happy by touching and playing with those new anatomical parts. This behavior may subside with the passage of time; it is of no concern, and no veterinary assistance is required.


Parasitic infestation of fleas and ticks: 

Fleas and ticks infest the tail and cause itching and pain. Due to infestation, dogs frequently and vigorously chase their tail to get rid of itching and infestation. It is more painful, and sometimes, due to excessive chasing, the tail becomes damaged, and scratches appear on the tail, which will lead to a more severe condition. If you suspect chasing is due to parasites, examine the skin carefully; you will find signs of infestation, such as dark or brown specks in the coat. A visit to a veterinarian is a must in this case. The vet may examine the whole body and, by evaluating evidence, prescribe antiparasitic medicines that alleviate the symptoms. 


It may be an attention-seeking gesture. 

If you are not paying due attention to your canine buddies, they exhibit behaviors like tail-chasing to signal that they are not getting your attention and time. Schedule time with your pups to play and pay them attention because they are sociable and love the company of owners. If the dogs are not getting attention constantly, it might cause psychological problems that are harmful for the dogs and ultimately cause concern for owners too. So, try to deal with such issues with urgency so that serious psychological conditions can be prevented. It is also recommended to consult an animal behaviorist if it persists for a longer period of time; he or she will assess the overall conditions and give suggestions to reduce such activities.


Stress and anxiety: 

If the dogs are stressed and are subjected to anxiety, they show irregular bouts of tail-chasing, doing crazy things, and uncontrolled behaviors. Anxiety and stress may be due to various reasons, such as 

  • solitary confinement.
  • Not allowing to play.
  • Keeping in a dark room in the daytime. 
  • Aggression originating from other pets.
  • Previous experience of trauma or frightening events.
  • Physical or emotional mistreatment.
  • Not allowing them to socialize, etc.

All these, along with other triggers, make them anxious and prone to depression, leading to tail-chasing and other uncommon behaviors. Schedule a visit with a trained animal psychiatrist or behaviorist to figure out the exact reason for anxiety and stress in dogs. A psychiatrist may recommend exercises and other anxiety-relieving tips to lessen anxiety and stress in dogs. Follow his or her advice to get the desired outcomes. 


Underlying health conditions: 

Underlying medical conditions might prompt dogs to chase their tail obsessively and excessively.

Medical issues, for example 

  • Infection.
  • Cancer.
  • Seizure.
  • Anal gland problems.
  • Irritation in rectum 
  • Pain at the tail due to diseases, etc.

Such medical issues force dogs to chase tails. If tail chasing is due to medical issues, it may accompany other symptoms like fever, restlessness, lethargy, depression, lack of interest, obsession, not allowing others to touch the tail, moving here and there, etc. Consult a veterinarian with urgency to rule out problems and give treatment for underlying health conditions. If tail chasing is due to such issues, with the improvement of health conditions, tail chasing may also be improved and eliminated. 


Tail-chasing may be due to canine-compulsive disorder. 

Canine-compulsive disorder in dogs is a medical condition to which some breeds are more prone, but every dog may become a victim of this condition. One of the reasons for tail-chasing in dogs is a canine-compulsive disorder. This condition must be considered serious and take your dog to the vet to prevent further complications.


What to do to stop a dog from chasing a tail: 

If tail-chasing continues with intensity, the following suggestions are helpful to act upon for the pet’s parents and owners.


Consult a professional: 

Trained professionals like animal behaviorists, veterinary psychiatrists, behavior consultants, pet specialists, and canine experts must be consulted to figure out the real culprit, and a regular checkup is also recommended to prevent such causes from recurring.


Provide them with enrichment activities: 

Enrich the dogs with exciting and enjoyable experiences like exercising, going outdoors to reduce boredom, playing puzzles and mind games with them, treating them to their favorite foods, etc.


Replace the behavior: 

Allow them to do something new and refreshing; they may get fed up with regular activities. New things make them entertained and refreshed. 



For pet enthusiasts, it is necessary to be familiar with normal and abnormal behaviors in dogs and unique and unusual activities in dogs, such as tail chasing. Tail chasing may sometimes be of no concern, but occasionally it is indicative of serious medical concern, so differentiating between innocuous and severe ones is very important for pet parents.

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